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Beauty of grief

 Grief is real and it is hard and it is sneaky. It creeps in when you least expect it and smacks you upside the head, but if you pause for a second, there is beauty in there too.  Ok, before you think I've lost my mind, hear me out. The end of September I had the glorious opportunity to visit a women's monastery for a retreat. The monastery, like most monasteries (I assume), has a cemetery on the grounds. During our visit one of the sisters offered to take anyone interested on a tour of the grounds. Although I had been before, it had been many years so I chose to take the tour. The sister did a beautiful job of showing us the gardens, the animals, and the children's garden, but the cemetery really hit me in a way that I never expected. While we were standing there, the sister guiding us mentioned that the full moon that night would offer a glorious opportunity to visit the cemetery in a different light. This settled in a spot on my heart that simply would not be shaken. So

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